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How to Clean a Sink Drain to Keep It Smelling Fresh and Sweet

By Elizabeth Arnold, eHow Contributor

If your kitchen sink is smelling less than fresh, sweeten it by cleaning with natural products.

Eco-friendly, natural products such as vinegar and baking soda will clean and deodorize

smelly sink drains. Replacing chemical cleaning products with natural ones will be easier on

the environmental and on your nose. Deodorize your sink drain once a week, or more often as

the need arises.

Things You’ll Need

1 Large kettle

2 Rubber gloves

3 1 tsp. baking soda


1 Kill any bacteria that may be lurking in the sink by flushing the drain with boiling water.

Boil a large kettle of water. Pour the hot water down the drain to kill germs and loosen

any food particles that may be stuck inside the drain. Wear rubber gloves to protect your

hands from the boiling water.

2 Measure 1 tsp. of baking soda, a natural deodorizer, and sprinkle it into the drain. Run

hot water from the tap for 10 seconds to send the baking soda down into the drain


3 Pour 1 cup of distilled white vinegar down the drain to deeply clean and disinfect the

drain; the vinegar will also help remove any foul odors that still may be lingering.

4 Allow the vinegar to rest in the drain for 20 minutes, then turn on the hot tap water to

flush the vinegar from the drain.

5 Finally, pour 1 cup of fresh lemon juice down the drain to give the pipes a clean, sweet

scent. After 15 minutes, rinse the lemon juice down the drain with hot tap water.

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